Study Guide to Accompany <i>Our Global Environment</i>: A Health Perspective by Anne  Nadakavukaren, Jack  Caravanos
183 pages, $28.95 list
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Study Guide to Accompany Our Global Environment
A Health Perspective
Eighth Edition
The perfect companion volume to Our Global Environment: A Health Perspective, Eighth Edition, this Study Guide is designed with the student in mind! The exercises are presented in a variety of formats, including true/false, matching, short answer, discussion, and essay, providing students with the tools they need to review the material and reinforce their understanding of the topics in each chapter. The convenient format and perforated pages give instructors multiple options: exercises can be assigned and collected as homework, incorporated into classroom discussions and activities, or used by students to prepare for exams.

In addition, the Study Guide contains specific activities that send students into their communities to seek information on local environmental concerns, giving them a real sense of how such issues directly impact their own lives. Moreover, these activities encourage and prepare students to become informed participants in the public decision-making processes that will profoundly influence environmental quality and health in the years to come.